Vinyl Wall Toppers

Vinyl wall toppers or wall extension fences are made to last in extreme weather conditions of the Southern region. Vinyl wall toppers can withstand excessive heat and do not discolor, fade or warp easily. The concealed fences give you and your family the privacy needed to enjoy your backyard and lawn. We use DuraMax, as it is one of the best products available in the market. Being an authorized dealer, you can acquire lifetime warranties and quality workmanship compared to other competitors in the market. vinyl wall-topper
Our wall toppers or wall extension fence installation does not require brackets and screws, which makes the installation process faster and efficient. With our interlocking system, we can install wall toppers or wall extension fences in no time so you can enjoy the new look quickly, without going through the painful construction process.

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Simply call us at 818-210-9898 to schedule a free quote.

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LA Vinyl Fencing

14748 Vectory Blvd.
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Tel (818) 210-9898

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Contact Details:
14748 Victory Blvd.
Van Nuys, CA 91411
Tel (818) 210-9898

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